Thursday, September 02, 2010

Feeling Genuinely Happy Today :D
(for no rhyme or reason)

The last time that feeling came to me was 25th July (check the posts).. 1 month 8 days ago. A pretty long period and I must say this period hasn't been nice at all, one of the hardest I've ever fell. Nothing's been solved but since I'm smiling (even without a reason), heck the rest, I'll bask in this feeling of euphoria while I can.

Or maybe it's my discovery of using logical reasoning to numb my emotions (IF it's possible, which isn't the case most of the time), the fact that I had a nice talk and.. I'm just happy like that.

That is not to say this happiness will last long. I'm still like the cup with a hole, draining happiness away once everything is over. As the night is setting in, part of the joy and euphoria is creeping out too. This intangible feeling makes me feel like I'm floating in the sky, about to fall back down to earth any minute. I can see it coming. I'll be defeated by loneliness and other thoughts sooner or later. "We're born alone, we die alone".

I know very well it won't last long. Just to celebrate it's arrival before it departs far too quickly for anybody to witness, I sent "I love you" messages to a few through sms. Glad to know I actually made someone's day, and probably a smile on others' faces. Just thought they should know before I get, you know, sad again. My happiness never last long.

Been sms-ing throughout the entire bus journey, something I wouldn't do. I'm one of the most irritating people to text given my snail-pace replies but I'm glad today's an exception. For the first time in ages, I was actually excited to reply people. Sadly, I'm sure I'll still be prone to giving late replies in the future since texting too much takes away too much alone time. I would appreciate texts very much if nobody minds my slow replies :)

Talked to Linette's mom over the phone today, about everything random and in cantonese too, strangers are nice people :)

.. oh no, it's dying down already. This post doesn't do ANY justice to the joy, bliss, elation, glee I was experiencing just now. A very good way to tell is to measure my degree of "weird-ness". A happy me usually leads to a "high" me and then a TOTALLY WEIRD me. (eg. speaking my mind FAR too often) Ask my friends, they can testify.

Anyhow, these 'episodes' of joy and depression make me feel like I'm bipolar. Grrrr, honestly don't get my emotions.

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